Preparing for Christmas through the Advent Season

Preparing for Christmas through the Advent Season


Preparing for Christmas through the Advent Season

As I talked about in a previous post, Advent is all about preparation. It is time to prepare yourself spiritually for Jesus’ birth. Advent and other Christian rituals (like displaying a Nativity set) can help individuals and families with these important moments of reflection, learning, devotion, and celebration.

Preparing for Christmas

In fact, Advent rituals can play an important role in grounding people during a month (December) that can be quite a flurry. While some of this activity is normal, healthy, and fun - it is also supremely important to come back to Jesus as the reason for the season. When preparing for Christmas, lighting candles on an Advent wreath or maintaining an Advent calendar are both helpful ways to circle back to spirituality. Advent candles and wreaths aren’t only for churches; many private homes use them and light them either daily or weekly (see our last post for more information on the advent wreath and candles). Advent calendars come in a variety of styles and some of the most popular are those designed specifically for children. Kids’ advent calendars infuse the tradition with fun - key to a child’s engagement - but still serve as a tool for teaching about patience, preparation, sacrifice, and devotion. Advent calendars can be disposable, which is great for families who enjoy picking out a new version each year. 

Other Advent calendars are meant to be used over and over again each year, which may help establish a tradition and create a family artifact to pass down to future generations.

When preparing for Christmas displaying a Nativity set is another way that people and households can prepare for the Christmas season. Pulling a Nativity set from storage almost instantly creates an opportunity to establish a spiritual tone for the season to come. You are reminded of the story of Jesus’ birth and the important people and events surrounding it. Perhaps you add a new figurine to your Nativity set each year, which can be an effective way to add a layer of religious learning to your preparations. Whether simple or elaborate, displaying a Nativity set in your home is an essential preparatory touch for celebrating Christmas.

Advent wreaths, calendars, and Nativity sets are wonderful symbols and reminders when preparing for Christmas. However, the most important way to prepare for Christmas is in your mind and heart. Maybe you can recommit to regular prayer. Perhaps you’ll become more involved in your church community. Service to others in another critical way to prepare for Christmas. Remember: it is the things that we do, the people whom we love, and our relationship with God that must truly shine during the Christmas season.

At St. Patrick’s Guild, we offer a selection of stunning nativity sets to help you in preparing for Christmas along with faith-based gifts, decorations, and books. Check out our selection online today or reach out to us personally so we can better serve you.