
St. Brendan

St. Brendan was born and died in Ireland. He is one of their early monastic saints and one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland. Called 'the Voyager' or 'the Navigator', Saint Brendan gained widespread recognition for his various maritime expeditions, undertaking journeys of missionary work that were conducted mainly by ship. St. Patrick's Guild carries a variety of items dedicated to St. Brendan including a St. Brendan medal, a St. Brendan statue, a St. Brendan necklace and a St. Brendan prayer card.

Following his journey as a monk and a priest, Brendan ascended to the role of an abbot, where he demonstrated his remarkable leadership and spiritual guidance. As an abbot, he went on to establish numerous flourishing monasteries across the lands of Ireland. Our St. Brendan medal, St. Brendan statue, St. Brendan necklace or St. Brendan's prayer card would be a nice gift to give to one who has the name Brendan or to one who has chosen Brendan as his Confirmation saint name. If you have specific questions about our St. Brendan gifts, please contact us at: or call 800-652-9767.